Here’s how to use this resource for your family:
Step 1: Download the seminar document, print it, and put it in a 3 ring binder. Through the years, as you gather more information and learn new things, you can add it to this binder.
Step 2: We strongly recommend that husbands and wives listen to this audio seminar together. Men, your wife and your children need you to lead in this area. You will see great reward if you do. Set aside 2 ½ hours to listen together to both parts of the seminar.
Step 3: Husbands, discuss with your wife what you both got out of the seminar. Discuss what you need to apply right away and come up with a game plan to implement these things. For single parents, we recognize that you will be listening to this alone. We also know that God will give you the grace to be a faithful parent to your children. This information will be a help to you. Churches, we would love to present The Walking Talk to your congregation. The world is screaming at us in the area of sexuality. Through media, the world is distorting God’s good gift of sexuality. As God’s Church, we must respond to the lies of the world with the truth of God’s Word in this area. Bringing The Walking Talk to your church is an easy win.