Choosing Closest Friends

“He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” – Proverbs 13:20 I became a Christian through a ministry called Young Life, and when I came to faith in Christ there was a great group of young and older godly men that I got a chance to…

Hate, Anger, and Enemies

As we witness the hate and anger that surround us, keeping ourselves from their influence is not easy. How should we respond, especially as our situation will likely get even worse over the next six months? In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus helps us to answer this question…

Fighting Sexual Sin

By Jimmy Stopper This past Sunday I had the blessing of giving a sermon at my church. My message was on fighting sexual sin.  If you are someone who struggles in this area or know someone who does, the attached link gives you access to my message.  Please take some time to listen to it and pass…